About me.
I fervently believe that everyone has a story.
As a journalist, I've met people at different inflection points in their lives, and I've helped tell their stories in podcasts and in print. These stories often help them better understand themselves.
These stories connect us as humans and help us understand each other a little better. By recording our own stories, we often better understand ourselves.
I want to share this with other people. With Spirit & Sound, I bring a decade of experience in journalism and a mastery of interviewing, editing, and storytelling to craft a well-told narrative that will resonate not just now, but for years to come.

What kinds of stories we tell.
Imagine the most important moments in your life: Starting kindergarten, graduating school, meeting someone you'd like to spend your life with, expanding your family.
These events are filled with energy and feelings. What if you could capture that spark?
Record an interview with your five-year-old on the brink of starting school. Capture the origin story of your relationship as you prepare to send out wedding invitations. Chronicle your feelings about parenthood as you embark on a new milestone.
These audio capsules aren't just for now. They'll also be there for years to come.
Memories can fade. Audio won't.

I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.